Please read this document and then complete the consent form that has been emailed to you separately.
Terms & Conditions
Psychiatry & Therapy
Our psychiatrists carry out assessments of children, adolescents with a wide range of emotional, behavioural and neurodevelopmental difficulties. Our Psychiatrists are approved to carry out specialist diagnostic tests including the ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule), ADIR (Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised) and 3DI (The Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview).
At your first visit, the psychiatrist will conduct a thorough review of the current difficulties and advise whether further appointments are required to complete the assessment or whether a treatment can be commenced. In some instances, following the assessment, for example where ADHD or Autism are being considered, additional specialised assessments may be recommended. It may also be helpful to contact the child’s school to gather more information to help complete the assessment
By the end of the end of the assessment, the psychiatrist will discuss the formulation, diagnosis where relevant and a management plan including treatment options. Following the full assessment, a report will be provided within1 month of the final assessment appointment.
Psychiatry general appointments lasts up to 90 minutes. Psychiatry follow up appointments last up to 25-45 minutes. ADHD and ASD assessments are more lengthy appointments, please speak to the Practice Secretary for more details.
Accessibility: If have a condition that you feel may impact your access to our service please contact us on 0207 118 0696 and we will make reasonable adjustments to enable your appointment to proceed and for any treatment to be provided in an individualised accessible format.
Your treatment package will be tailored to your individual needs. This may include psychiatric reviews, psychological therapies for individuals and/or families, prescribed medication or referral to other professionals. Our psychiatrists work closely with psychologists, psychotherapists, family therapists, specialist paediatric mental health nurses, paediatricians, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, dieticians and other professionals.
If therapy is indicated, the most relevant type of therapy will be planned either individually for the child or for the family as a whole, or a combination of both. We have a variety of highly experienced therapists based at the clinic in the following professions (psychology, family therapy, psychotherapy and specialist mental health nursing). Therapy sessions last 50minutes and often take place on a weekly basis to begin with and the length of treatment/ frequency of the sessions will differ according to the treatment.
Sometimes medication is appropriate and the psychiatrist may recommend it. Prior to commencing medication, the psychiatrist will first discuss this in detail with you and enable you to consider the potential pros and cons of this course of action. If you would like to commence medication, you will be required to complete an additional medication consent form.
Please be aware that in order for us to continue to provide ongoing specialist supervision of prescribing, we require to see the patient within 1 month of starting treatment (in some instances earlier review will be required) and thereafter at one, three, six monthly or yearly intervals depending on response and medication type. The timescale will be clearly indicated in the clinic letter. If the patient does not return for follow-up we cannot continue to accept responsibility for the supervision of prescribing.
For some patients some physical tests such as blood pressure, weight, height and ECG or blood tests may be recommended. If you would like to have these tests done please liaise with our practice secretary. We recommend that all patients are accompanied by their parent/carer. If you would like an additional chaperone please mention this to our secretary.
All fees are to be paid at the time of appointment booking. Prescriptions provided during the consultation are provided free of charge, but between consultations incur a fee. If you would like your medication to be dispensed by us and delivered to you this can be arranged, and will incur an additional fee, which varies depending on the medication required. The psychiatric consultation fees include an initial assessment report. However additional reports will incur an additional fee. Other miscellaneous services such as filling forms, telephone/email correspondence, will incur a fee. The fee list is available at and we ask that you read this prior to signing the consent form.
Please note that even if someone else is paying your bill you are responsible for paying any charges, if they do not pay. If you have medical insurance you will be required to pre-pay for your appointment and be given a receipt which you can submit to your insurer for reimbursement. We advise that you check with your insurer that they will reimburse you, prior to booking.
All new patient consultation charges are inclusive of a £100 non-refundable deposit at the time of booking. Completed appointments and reports are non-refundable. Payment is due at the time of booking in advance of the appointment. Late payment will incur a £50 additional charge.
Unfortunately, we are not able to see all new patients as promptly as we would like to due to the large numbers of referrals. If you are unable to make your appointment, please provide at least 7 working days notice for new patient assessment appointments and 3 working days notice for follow ups so that there is time to arrange for someone from the waiting list to be seen. If not sufficient notice is provided, then the full consultation fee will be charged.
We are an outpatient service and we provide care to patients who require treatment on an outpatient basis only. Our clinicians are able to treat patients who require weekly, monthly or annual appointments. If you require more intensive support we recommend you see your GP for a referral to your local crisis team. We do not provide out of hours or emergency care, therefore if you are in an emergency please attend your local A and E. If during your engagement with our care, your difficulties escalate in such a way that we feel that you require more intensive support than can be offered by us on our regular outpatient basis then we will support you with finding an appropriate alternative care provider so that you can access the support you require.
We are required to keep complete medical records, which includes personal and sensitive data. The medical records are electronic and encrypted. Any paper records including the initial consent forms, letters outside medical records, will be scanned and disposed of appropriately. The records are kept in an encrypted Microsoft cloud service (which is GDPR compliant) and in an electronic medical records system (Writeupp) which is GDPR compliant.
You are entitled to review your medical record at any time, unless in the very rare circumstance that your doctor/therapist feels that by viewing your records, your emotional or physical well-being will be jeopardised. If you wish to view your records, we recommend that we review them together to minimise any confusion or misinterpretation of medical terms. Printing and postage may incur a small fee. Information will be provided to you within 30 days.
Your medical records are kept for the time necessary to provide the service requested, however outside of this we will hold your records for a period of 20 years following the end of the assessment and/treatment to comply with the recommendations of the Information Governance Alliance with regards to mental health records. After this date, all data will be securely deleted unless requested otherwise.
We follow General Medical Council’s guidelines on confidentiality and sharing information.
Please read the following documents for the details.
There are exceptions to this confidentiality, where disclosure is mandatory when anyone is at risk.
We send all sensitive information using encrypted emails. Please send sensitive information via secure email or post only. We use an email encryption service provided by Microsoft Azure/office 365. You will be provided with a one-time code or a login when we send you an email and then you can retrieve the sensitive information. You will be able to reply and send us documents using this encryption email.
Emails are checked only intermittently therefore please do not send any urgent enquiries via email.
The practice secretarial and administrative team answer the phone (0207 118 0696) Monday – Friday 9am-5.30pm and intermittently check emails sent to Phone calls and emails are usually returned the same day (not including weekends). However if there is an urgency to your query we suggest you telephone us. We cannot receive or respond to text messages and request that you do not communicate via text.
We do not provide a service for medical emergencies. If there is an emergency, please contact emergency services i.e. your GP, Out of Hours Service via the GP or local A & E service.
In the U.K. healthcare system, the GP holds the overall view of a patient's health and it is important they are aware of the assessment, so they can continue to support the patient appropriately. Therefore, we will be required to write to your/your child’s GP about the assessment and treatment.
We provide secure video consultations via a secure and encrypted and GDPR compliant software/platforms (Writeupp & Microsoft teams). Patients are sent a secure link to the video call on booking. We advised patients find a quiet and confidential place to speak during the session and wear headphones. We adhere to the GMC guidance on providing appropriate care in a video consultation.
MindOf are comply with government guidance to minimise the risk to our patients contracting COVID-19 as much as possible. However, we are unable to eliminate the risk completely of contracting the virus if you come for a face to face
appointment. We strongly advise you do not come to clinic and instead arrange a video appointment, if you or anyone in your household is in the high-risk group as outlined below. Please let us know when enquiring
about an appointment if you do meet any of the criteria listed.
COVID-19 High Risk Groups:
• You are aged over 70.
• You have a BMI > 40.
• You have a weakened immune system.
• You have any co-morbidities which can cause immunosuppression such as
diabetes, HIV/AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol abuse, smoking, long-term
steroid use, cancer diagnosis or current cancer treatment.
• You are caring for anyone in the shielded category.
Please do not attend the clinic in person and arrange a video appointment instead if:
• You or any of your household are displaying symptoms of coronavirus.
NHS Coronavirus Symptoms Guidance
if you have a condition that you feel may impact your access to our service please contact us on 0207 118 0696 and we will make reasonable adjustments to enable your appointment to proceed.
We are always looking to maintain and improve high quality standards of care and value any feedback relating to your experience of the practice as a whole. If you would like to leave feedback please complete the form available at
If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the care provided by your doctor/therapist and wish to make a complaint, please contact us on and request a copy of our complaints policy/procedure. Initially the subject of the complaint will respond and if further independent review is required this will be arranged. We adhere to the ISCAS Code (Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service) Code which is recognised by healthcare regulators. Further details of our complaints procedure is available at: Complaints | MindOf
Further information about the services provided are available at the weblink below: